Monday, November 22, 2010

Finish Scaling

Last Wednesday I was able to finish working on Marianne.  It was awesome!  I am still a little uncomfortable with going subgingivally.  I found out that I am holding my instrument wrong as well.  I am leaving too large of a space between my fulcrum finger and my middle finger.  After 14 weeks of class, I have never had anyone tell me I was doing this wrong.  Let's hope that I can fix it.  I placed a sealant on her as well.  I really enjoy placing sealants.  This is something I have done for years, so I am very comfortable with it.  Today is my "real" patient day.  Trevor, Zach and I get to go to school together and I get to do the whole thing, including taking x-rays.  Today will be a good day.  I feel pretty confident that I will be able to do a good job.  Let's hope that Trevor is in a learning mood, because I have to teach him something about OHI.  I can't wait to put the disclosing agent in his mouth and see just how well he does brushing and flossing his teeth.  I will post later about my experience.

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