Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's all a blur

I have been struggling to keep my days separate.  I keep forgetting to blog about what I have been doing.  I only hope that by the end of the semester that I have enough blog posts to get the grade.  My days are really blurring together.  I can't believe that we are halfway through our 10th week of class.  I am almost finished with my first semester.  I have heard that this time flies.  I am grateful that it is.  I am really enjoying my education, but I can't wait to be done with school and have this education thing behind me.  I am excited to feel comfortable with what I am going to do for the rest of my life.  Also, the work load will be so much nicer.  Right now my "work" comes home with me, whereas when I am working as a hygienist, work stays at work.  Monday, October 25th, we just had a practice day.  We had to pass off our Oral Hygiene Instruction PE and the Intraoral Camera PE.  My instructor kept telling me to slow down while I was instruction my "patient" on how to take better care of her teeth.  I didn't feel like I was talking fast, but she apparently thought I was.  I think that made me even more nervous.  Oh well, I got through it.  Now I am on to tomorrow, Wednesday.  We are getting closer and closer to our actual patient days.  I can't wait to work on Trev.  Thank heavens he is willing to be my first victim, I mean patient!

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